About Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is a vibrant, modern, bilingual, multicultural society that has been molded by Spanish, African, Taino Indian, and American influences.


The climate is as close to perfect as it can get, averaging 83°F (22.7°C) in the winter and 85°F (29.4°C) in the summer. A rainier season starts in August and ends in October, but due to our tropical climate you can expect brief rain showers at any time.

Time Zone

Atlantic Standard (AST), which is one hour later (+1) than Eastern Standard Time (EST) and four hours earlier (-4) than Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Puerto Rico does not observe Daylight Savings Time.

Sunrise Sunset

6:54 am to 6:21 pm

Sales Tax



United States dollar (US$). Major U.S., Canadian, and European banks have branches on the Island.


Puerto Rico is a U.S. Commonwealth with U.S. citizenship. Therefore, passports are not necessary for U.S. citizens.


Spanish and English are the official languages, but Spanish is without a doubt the dominant language.


Puerto Rico is considered the most technologically advanced island in Caribbean. Most cell phone carriers from the United States work here.

Traffic Impact

Rush Hour average time from 6:00 AM-9:00 AM and 3:00 PM-7:00PM.

Destination Holidays

*Destination holidays may vary per year*

New Years Day - January 1

Three Kings Day - January 6

San Sebastian Street Festival - January 19-22

Easter - April 16

Memorial Day - May 29

Independence Day - July 4

Commonwealth Day - July 25

Labor Day - September 4

Columbus Day - October 9

New Years Day - January 1

Veterans Day - November 10

Thanksgiving Day - November 23 -24

Christmas Eve - December 24

Christmas Day - December 25